
Wine Popularity Predictor(Decision Tree)

  • Category: Machine Learning Model
  • Client: Knight Internship Assignment
  • Project date: 04 March, 2021
  • Project URL: Click here to see details

The Aim of the project:

We can predict which variety of wine is gonna be purchased more based on user review. We can determine the "Significant Factors" or "Dominating Factors" that affects the prediction and thus in a way the mindset of the customer groups. Using this Classication groups, we could easily "group" or "cluster" similar customer together for better implications and operations. By the visualization of data using Decision Tree , we could easily see the "Randomness" or "dissimilities bewteen customers in the same group and other groups as well. We can easily determine the "popularity" of the variety among the customers and the reason for it as well. The most crucial insight is "Increasing the net profit (prices)" depending on the popularity determined earlier and make tactics from buisness point of view.